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mailing list software for mac

updated thu 29 jul 99


Sarah House on fri 23 jul 99

Does anyone have a suggestion of a good mailing list program? Anything that
will store, sort and print is better than what i've got now.

Sarah House

still recovering from the southern highlands show but ready for this week's

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Jennifer Boyer on sat 24 jul 99

I've been happy with Clarisworks which is now Appleworks. It's
an integrated set of programs including word processing,
spreadsheet, database, paint and draw. You can keep your mailing
list on your database for labels. lists, etc. Then if you have a
letter you want to write to your mailing list, you can use mail
merge for personalized addresses and greetings on each letter.

Sarah House wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone have a suggestion of a good mailing list program? Anything that
> will store, sort and print is better than what i've got now.
> Sarah House
> still recovering from the southern highlands show but ready for this week's
> show.
> _______________________________________________________
> Get your free, private email at

Jennifer Boyer
Thistle Hill Pottery
Vermont USA

Valice Raffi on sat 24 jul 99

Hi Sarah,

I have an old version of Microsoft Works that I use, but any database
program should work. In the database, I have a number of "fields",
starting with last name, first name, street address, city, state, & zip.
Additional fields are for phone number, purchases, where their name came
from (what gallery/show), and one for comments. I also have one field
called "list" where I put in an "x" which allows me to select only those
marked rather than my whole list (I use this when funds are limited!). I
can sort on any of these fields.

Works has menu options called "list", "data" and "design". In design is
where I set up the the way I want the label to look.

In order to print from this database, I choose "report" from the pull-down
menu, then "set-up" where I can choose to print the whole list in list
form, or a number of label options.

Hope this helps!


>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Does anyone have a suggestion of a good mailing list program? Anything that
>will store, sort and print is better than what i've got now.
>Sarah House
>still recovering from the southern highlands show but ready for this week's
>Get your free, private email at

Paul Lewing on sat 24 jul 99

Sarah House wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone have a suggestion of a good mailing list program? Anything that
> will store, sort and print is better than what i've got now.

Hi, Sarah,
I use and love a great little program called MyMailList, from MySoftware
Co. at 1259 El Camino Real, Suite 167, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, phone
415-325-9372, or 970-522-0815. I hope those numbers are still OK. I
haven't tried any of them in quite a while. But this is a program that
does everything you've ever wanted a mailing list program to do, and
Paul Lewing, Seattle

Rob on sat 24 jul 99

If you have the AppleWorks (formerly ClarisWorks) program, the database part
has assistants to allow you to set up mailing lists. They are easy to use and
can be set for various Avery labels.


Sarah House wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone have a suggestion of a good mailing list program? Anything that
> will store, sort and print is better than what i've got now.
> Sarah House
> still recovering from the southern highlands show but ready for this week's
> show.
> _______________________________________________________
> Get your free, private email at

Joe Streno on sat 24 jul 99

Sarah ...

If you are looking for a database program to keep mailing addresses etc:

Now Contact/Now Up-To-Date is a great bundled package that will take care of
addresses/contacts and calendar. Now Contact has great envelope, label
printing too. You can download a free trial if you'd like.

If you are looking to create an e-mail based mailing list using a list
Letter Rip by Fog City software.

It wasn't clear what you were asking for ... so I gave you both. : )

Hope that helps.

(: *Joe Streno* :)
*Seattle WA*

At age six I wanted to be a cook.
At seven I wanted to be Napoleon.
And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.

Salvador Dali
"The Secret Life Of Salvador Dali"

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone have a suggestion of a good mailing list program? Anything that
> will store, sort and print is better than what i've got now.
> Sarah House
> still recovering from the southern highlands show but ready for this week's
> show.
> _______________________________________________________
> Get your free, private email at

Jim Cullen on sun 25 jul 99

What you're referring to is an e-mail program. I don't think their is such a
thing as a mail list program. We used to use QUICKMAIL on the MAC and
everyone liked it. It did automatically file specifically identified e-mail
into a separate folder, I think that's what you mean by a mail list program.
Of course because eveyone liked it we were forced to change to something that
was more compatible with the windows platforms. We used QUICKMAIL 6.0 and I
think it's up to 8.0 now. Check MACMall or MAC Warehouse for pricing.

Janice Alexander on wed 28 jul 99

Dear Sarah,

Although I haven't used it in a while, but that only means that it is
probably even better than it was, FileMaker Pro is a good one. Very easy to
use also. And it does a whole lot more than just mailing list stuff.

Good Luck,

Janice in NC