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tcaa-houston area

updated sat 24 jul 99


Vicki Katz on fri 23 jul 99

The TEXAS CLAY ART ASSOCIATION will meet on Monday evening, July 26 at 7pm.
This is an open meeting, everyone interested in clay is invited. The meeting
this summer will be at BLUEBONNET POTTERY, Ave B in Katy, TX - 281-391-2529.
Feel free to call Bluebonnet or Vicki Katz at 281-242-6594 for more

The format this summer will be more a bit more casual. Rather than a speaker,
it was suggested that each member bring a piece of their work, photos or
slides of their work and business cards to exchange with other participants.
This is way we can become familiar with the type of work that TCAA members
are producing. If you do not wish to participate, come and enjoy meeting
other potters in the Houston area. You are welcome to bring a plate of food
to share.

Lisa Sitz of Bluebonnet will discuss an EMPTY BOWL project.

Registration forms will be available for the upcoming CLAY WORKSHOP at UHCL.
The workshop will feature Ron Meyers & will be held on Oct. 9th & 10th. A
discount is available to TCAA members.