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terra sigillata recipes 2

updated fri 23 jul 99


Tetsuya Shimano on thu 22 jul 99

more terra sigi. recipes!


Ball Clay (OM-4) 400g
Water 1600g
Calgon 20g
Cobalt Oxide 10g
Crocus Martis 20g

Orange Red

Red Art 267g
Newman Clay 133g
Water 1600g
Calgon 20g

Newman Red

New man Clay 400g
Water 1600g
Calgon 20g

Light blue

Ball Clay (OM-4) 400g
Water 1600g
Calgon 20g
Cobalt Oxide 10g


Ball Clay (OM-4) 360g
Red Art 40g
Water 1600g
Calgon 20g

i picked up some recipes from "studio potter" and i applied and changed
little bit. I have tried all of them except peach. apache red is very
bright red on red clay body, but this terra sigi. is not really predictable.
you might get pinkish orage sometimes. light yellow is the some. sometiems,
you might get dull yellow. otherwise, most of terra sigillatas i listed are
very presictable. on the recipes, i wrote "add." it means you need to add
the oxides after you take out terra sigi. part from the mixing jar/bottle.
when i make terra sigi, i use a 2 litter apple juice bottle for mixing. if
you have a ball mill, you can name a perfect terra sigi. well, since i
connot afford a ball mill, i use a apple juice bottle and shake it 30 min.
and settle down. just leave 2~3days. siphon off the water, using a turky
baester. (it's almost like cooking!!! anyway...) you might not see the
layers, but you can take out the middle part. it works. i use all layers.
the top part is for shiny and nice surface. the bottom part is matt surface.
some red clay based terra sigi. is able to be fired at cone 6. and if you
really wanna get nice pastel colors, you can add commercial stains in white
rerra sigi. you should not apply terra sigi. inside of food containers.
remember, terra sigi. is not a glaze and it's not vitrified. you can apply a
clear glaze on terra sigi and it makes different colors.

enjoy making terra sigi!!!


p.s. if anyone knows the recipe of "tan" color terra sigi, please let me