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quest for a calcium - borax frit?

updated mon 9 aug 99


Assumption Abbey on wed 4 aug 99

Dear Readers:

I want to do a set of test glazes which would be worked in a way that
would lower the melt. I read that this can be achieved by adding a small
amount of calcium-borax frit. Can someone tell me which (ferro etc.) FRIT,
chemical or compound that I might use to achieve this study?

Calcium Borax frit?

Llewellyn Kouba

John Post on sun 8 aug 99

Hi Llewellyn,

Use Ferro Frit 3134.

Frit 3134
Formula: % 10.3 Na2O 20.10 CaO 23.10 B2O3 46.5 SiO2

Frit 3134 supplies SiO2, B2O3, CaO, and Na2O.

A calcium/boron frit, with no alumina.

Good luck with it...

John Post
Sterling Heights, Michigan

> I want to do a set of test glazes which would be worked in a way that
>would lower the melt. I read that this can be achieved by adding a small
>amount of calcium-borax frit. Can someone tell me which (ferro etc.) FRIT,
>chemical or compound that I might use to achieve this study?
>Calcium Borax frit?
>Llewellyn Kouba

John Post
Sterling Heights, Michigan