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calling for postcards and artists

updated sun 15 aug 99


L.P. Skeen on sat 14 aug 99

Hello y'all. As I mentioned earlier this week, I am starting my first
"official" teaching job. (Training was this week; school opens the
25th.) I need decorations! If you have a promo card for your work
(pots, sculpture, painting, whatever!) or even posters you would part
with, I'm flat out begging for you to send them to me. Here is my

Lisa Skeen
8406 Hudson James Road
Summerfield, NC 27358

Also, if you would be willing to be our Internet Artist of the Month,
please let me know. This would consist of sending me a bio and
answering various questions from little kids about what you do. I'll
have a map on the wall with a big arrow pointing to wherever you live.

Thanks to all in advance!!!
Lisa Skeen ICQ#15554910

Living Tree Pottery & Soaps, Summerfield, NC

~*~* A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.*~*~

@}~~~ Religions should get out of politics or be taxed.~~~{@