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sv: re: bringing kiln from us to europe

updated sun 15 aug 99


Alisa and Claus Clausen on sat 14 aug 99


Hi Chris and Ellen,
I was happy to read about this availability. But, are these kilns with =
specifications EU listed?
Also, bear in mind, that although the prices are much more competive in US =
to buy the equipment
in Scandinavia, we for example in Denmark, have to pay 25=25 tax plus =
customs (up
to about 35=25) on
all shipments received from outside Denmark. This makes ordering from =
cost prohibitive most
of the time. An example is my wheel, which cost about 1400.00US in Dk. If I=
bought if for what I
think it costs in America, 900.00, I would have had to pay the tax and =
bringing the price back
up to 1400. 00. for the same price, it was easier to buy it lcoally. I =
customs in Norway is almost
as stiff as it is here. This is something Ellen would need to research and
weigh the costs of shipping her
own kiln with replacement parts, or buying one in Norway.

I am writting this info. with the cost as the main concern. If this is not =
concern and Ellen wants to
to have the kiln she is used to over in Norway, then I am sure you could be =
great help to her. I
would watch for the EUL listing.
