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latex resist/outdoor clay bodies

updated tue 17 aug 99


deborah goletz on mon 16 aug 99

Llewellyn - it sounds like the latex is getting caught by the rough surface
of your clay - this may sound backwards, but you might try applying it in
several layers, creating a thicker layer of latex to pull off of the
surface. Just be sure it dries completely between layers.

Andie: For outdoor use, you need to find a clay body with less than 3%
absorbtion to resist frost. Manufacturers of clay bodies will provide you
with this information. If you formulate your own clay body, you will need
to test it for absorbtion: fire a test tile to maturity, weigh it dry
(Wd), immerse it in a pan of cool water for 24 hours, dry it off and weigh
it again (Ws). Then use the formula: 100(Ws-Wd)/Wd to determine percent
of absorbtion. Further tests are also available by the American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Contact me off list if you want the ASTM