Brian Crocker on wed 18 aug 99
The slip should be wet [Freshly applied] .. The piece should be either
vertical down to
45 degrees. If it still won't work increase the acidity of the stain ,,
strong vinegar
or Claret or Lemon.
Regards Brian C..
At 12:18 PM2:10: 17/08/99 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I have been attempting to produce the fern-like decoration of mochware. I
>have been using Peggy Heers white slip recipe with stain of mag. diox.,
>water, ACV and tobacco. No fern. Should the white slip be dry or wet?. The
>piece horiz. or vertical? Thanks for helping.
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
Brian Comley-Crocker.
4 Erica Street,
Tea Tree Gully 5091,
South Australia. [e.mail]
Phone/Fax: 08 8264 4136
The Crock maker.
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