The Silvernell's on thu 19 aug 99
Computers and clay dust: I've had an IBM clone in my high school classroom =
2 years now. The main room that my clay students use to throw , store clay =
glaze in is about 20 feet away, with no door, but all handbuilding is done =
the same room as the computer. I know this will probably jinx everything, =
so far, no problems=21 This year, I have another new one- will let everyone=
if there's any problems.
Question: a 50=23 bag of something (ordered by another teacher in 89 =
according to
purchase order numbers) called Vansil Wall-10 sits in my chemical room. =
know what this might be?
Bryan on fri 20 aug 99
Wollastonite, calcium silicate
-----Original Message-----
From: The Silvernell's
Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 11:08 AM
Subject: computers, clay dust and vansil wall
Computers and clay dust: I've had an IBM clone in my high school
classroom for
2 years now. The main room that my clay students use to throw , store
clay and
glaze in is about 20 feet away, with no door, but all handbuilding is
done in
the same room as the computer. I know this will probably jinx
everything, but
so far, no problems! This year, I have another new one- will let
everyone know
if there's any problems.
Question: a 50# bag of something (ordered by another teacher in 89
according to
purchase order numbers) called Vansil Wall-10 sits in my chemical
room. Anyone
know what this might be?
amy parker on fri 20 aug 99
>Question: a 50# bag of something (ordered by another teacher in 89 according to
>purchase order numbers) called Vansil Wall-10 sits in my chemical room. Anyone
>know what this might be?
I have a bag of wollastonite that was also labeled as "vansil" brand.
amy parker Lithonia, GA
Mike Obrien on fri 20 aug 99
Probably R. T. Vanderbilt Wollastonite "W10" Mike O'Brien
Karen Shapiro on sat 21 aug 99
Hi "guys",
I have a computer story. Mine is in my studio with dust all over the place.
My brother, who is a computer person and supplies me with my equipment, came
up to upgrade my computer. When he opened the case, he was aghast to see all
the dust and gave me a stern lecture about how the machine would blow up if
this continues.
I went to the hardware store and bought those inexpensive air filters which
come in different size squares and rectangles (fiberglass? framed in
cardboard). I got five of them to create a box which fits over my computer.
My brother is happy ...
Karen in Sonoma
David Smith on sun 22 aug 99
Don't feel too bad, I once serviced a couputer full (reallly fulll!) of cat
hair. It was cured by extra filters.
Dave Smith
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