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cmc and slip

updated mon 23 aug 99


Waldo, Carol on fri 20 aug 99

I've read that you can improve the flow of slip by the addition of CMC. Does
anyone know what percentage to add ?

(Some day I'll know what I'm doing)

Wade Blocker on sat 21 aug 99

I use l2.5grams of CMC to one pint of water. I have a plastic bottle,
add the CMC, and then pour (two measuring cups full) of hot water into the
bottle. Let it sit a while until the CMC is dissolved. This will keep for
a long time, depending of course on how much of it you use .. I add one
tablespoon of this mixture to l00 grams of mixed glaze, or slip glaze. .
I always add CMC to a slip glaze for better adherence to the pot. For other
glazes I prefer l% of macaloid mixed with the dry glaze before adding the
water ..Hope this helps. Mia, in partly cloudy ABQ

Antoinette Badenhorst on sat 21 aug 99

Carol I have a recipe that ask for 5%.
--- "Waldo, Carol" wrote:
> ----------------------------Original
> message----------------------------
> I've read that you can improve the flow of slip by
> the addition of CMC. Does
> anyone know what percentage to add ?
> Carol
> (Some day I'll know what I'm doing)

Antoinette Badenhorst
PO Box 552
Telephone (601) 869-1651
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Pamala Browne on sun 22 aug 99

I am a fan of cmc and it works well for me without measuring. Am I gonna
catch some flack for that? (grin) I mix it in a baby food
jar,shake,shake,shake and then let it sit for a couple of days-until it is
of even consistency. Then I use it as I need it. A little goes a long way--
but I am talking small batches here--like spaghetti sauce jars-- @ a
teaspoon. BTWWhen I make my slips I make up a larger batch which I will take
some from to add colors to as I want them--strain them really well and also
let them age a while. The longer they age ( in plastic containers
w/lids ),the creamier and easier they flow. This is NOT scientific ,but it
has worked for me so far! If anyone knows for sure that the non-measured
addition of CMC will adversly effect my glazes and slips , I'd love to
know-- amazed at how much mixing glazes and the like has become a kitchen
science for me! pamalab
----- Original Message -----
From: Waldo, Carol
Sent: Friday, August 20, 1999 11:34 AM
Subject: CMC and Slip

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I've read that you can improve the flow of slip by the addition of CMC.
> anyone know what percentage to add ?
> Carol
> (Some day I'll know what I'm doing)