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craig martell salt firing workshop

updated sun 22 aug 99


Karl Knudson on fri 20 aug 99

The Salem Art Association and the Marjorie T. Sherman Community Ceramics
Center are proud to present one of Oregon's premier salt firing artists,
Craig Martell, for a hands on salt firing workshop. While the focus of this
unique workshop will be loading, salting and unloading his salt kiln, Craig
will give a brief introductory lecture three weeks prior to the firing on
Sept. 8th, sharing his vast knowledge of salt firing, as well as making and
glazing work specifically for salt firing. For the firing, participants will
travel to Craig's studio to load, salt and unload their work during the
weekend of Oct. 1-3 (Fri-Sunday). Participants should being a minimum of 6
pieces (3 cu. ft.) of bisqued work to fire. A side excursion to Fire's Eye
Gallery where Craig's salt fired work is currently being exhibited is also
possible. The cost of this workshop is $75 for members of the S.A.A. and $85
for non-members. This workshop is CW-801.

For more information please call (503) 581-7275 or e-mail at

Thank you,

Karl Knudson
M.T.S.C.C.C. Coordinator.
1220 12th St SE
Salem, OR 97302

Craig Martell on sat 21 aug 99


In regard to my work at Fire's Eye Gallery, the show was officially over on
the 18th of August and there ain't much left. A trip to the Gallery would
still be good because there's a lot of good work there to see but I'm not
sure if I have any salt work still at the Gallery. Sales were very good!

regards, Craig Martell in Oregon