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rhuddy workshop & vince p

updated sun 22 aug 99


Pamela Jo Stamper on sat 21 aug 99

Hi all,
I was also fortunate to be at the Vince Pitelka and Dannon Rhuddy
workshops... where amazing pots were made by all present. I certainly
surprised myself.
The "summer camp for potters" format was a pleasure, the pottery
instruction was outstanding, and the communal meals were a delight (cheap
Vince P. take note....Tami Jo cooked for us during Dannon's week! AND, she
made her avacado salad! :-)
Pamela Jo, North Oregon Coast

What a great time was had by all at Dannon's five day workshop in Bellingham
at Michael McDowell's farm. Dannon was such a giving teacher.....Thanks to
Michael for having us there, gleaning for us from the garden for our meals,
the campfires every night and for a beautiful setting to learn in (the
lightening storm off in the distance was a real bonus).
>Lynne Antone
>Olympia WA USA