Gail McCarthy / Marvin Lunenfeld on sun 22 aug 99
I'm considering buying an L&L Square Da Vinci kiln and would like some
feedback from anybody out there who has some experience with one. Also
their new controls and vent system. Thanks, check my webpage for luster
info, Gail McCarthy
Bonnie Staffel on tue 24 aug 99 wrote:
original article:
> ----------------------------Original message-------------------------
> I'm considering buying an L&L Square Da Vinci kiln and would like some
> feedback from anybody out there who has some experience with one. Also
> their new controls and vent system. Thanks, check my webpage for
> info, Gail McCarthy
Dear Gail,
I have a large L&L Square Da Vinci kiln which I have had for about four
I just received a call from them to help me get all three areas to fire
They were very helpful and hope that their suggestions will work this
out for me. My Dyna Controls (old one) will only read temp. from one
of the
thermocouples, instead of the new ones which average the temps,
according to
my understanding. I fire to ^10 consistently and with a hold at the
end of about 20 minutes, things get better.
I chose the L&L square because you can get more pots in it. I can
place 12" plates in all four corners. The L&L was one of my first
kilns many years ago in 1954 and liked it even then. The company is
very helpful in answering your questions. I had trouble with a couple
of switches when the electrician was installing it, and L&L sent out
replacements immediately.
Also, the first thermocouples which came with the kiln, wore thin
rather quickly. I then ordered the metal clad ones which were
expensive but I am very happy with them. The shelves which came with
the kiln also have not warped at this high temperature. I talked to
L&L about the ITC application and they said that the guarantee would
not apply if you coated the elements. However, I plan to go ahead this
fall as I would like to do some low fire copper reduction firing in the
kiln. The coating will lengthen the life of the elements as well as
protect them from reduction, so the ITC company says. Posts on Clayart
seem to be in agreement.
I have the kiln with the lid on the post balance. I just moved this
kiln in April and now the bottom of the kiln is cracked. So that is
why I will use the ITC coating. If you use the Bailey exhaust system,
write me and I will describe the hole situation for this large kiln.
I like mine a lot. Good luck.
Bonnie Staffel, Charlevoix, MI
Von Allen on tue 12 feb 02
Hello Clayarters,
I have so enjoyed catching up on the various discussions on the list =
after being away for some time.
I have been having problems with two relatively new Da Vinci electric =
toploaders from L&L. The switches and all that fancy stuff that makes =
intermittent contact (clicking and blinking away) goes bad and then I =
don't know what the heck needs replacing. I have cleaned the receptors =
for better contact and replaced elements and now the switch just gave =
Does anyone out there have these kilns and how are they working for you?
I apologize if this item has already been discussed as I have been out =
of the loop for awhile!
Much thanks for any help
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