Alisa and Claus Clausen on thu 2 sep 99
I use a plaster slump mold I made that I throw slop/slurry in as I am =
I also use it for
clay I have wetted down from slabs, etc.
I casted a fairly large childrens kangaroo ball by starting with a large and
deep wooden
box, lined with a large plastic trash can bag. I put in a layer of plaster,
then set the ball
=EFn. I filled the wooden box half way up to come up to the middle of the =
When the
plaster was set and not really dry, I pulled out the ball (coated it with
vaseline first)
and later pried the complete mold out of the box. Weighed a ton, so maybe =
assistance. I peeled off the plastic bag later. The round shape gives a =
of drying surface and
takes up less space on my limited table space.
This inverted dome serves me well to throw all the wet slop in while I am
I even it out when I done, making a smoothe layer out of it in the mold. A =
later, if the mold was relatively dry to start with, I scrape it all out and
wedge it up
for good throwing clay. Careful you use a flexible rib or something like, =
so you do not scrape plaster into your clay. I find this method keeps =
things in
avoiding a lot of slop being left around for an eventual big chore of =
I usually
have about 5 pounds of clay to recycle at a time.
Alisa in Denmark
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