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sv: molds vs. thrown work (was ego problem and ceramic

updated sat 4 sep 99


Jim Brooks on fri 3 sep 99

I have stayed out of this long enough. CASTING....with slip and a mold is a
time honored method of clay construction. Some of our better clay artist use
this have clay people for hundreds of years. It is an accepted
method of clay production..

Would anyone out there turn down a J. Glick piece..because it might be
slip casts..?.. or and A. Gill work?.. IF you have such works..and dont want
them because they may be totally or in part..slip cast..Please feel free to
send them to me..I would treasure them!!!!.

>From an Artist view.. (or craftsman if you perfer...) as long as the molds
are made from the persons work.. who cares? There is even a place for the
ceramic shop casts greenware in this world.. (we could discuss where this
place might a later date..).

I would much perfer to have a hand made piece than a "commercial mold cast
slip piece".this is my hangup..and has nothing to do with right. value, or
truth. So, all this discussion has wetted my desire to cast a few
pieces...Think i'll go make a mold.. see you late---maybe for a cup of
coffee..(or would the cup be slip cast?).. Oh long as it is
clay..hand made.. i could learn to love it... dont see much difference.