arlene h. on tue 7 sep 99
Richard, this is our guilds recipe for white slip. I used it for the
dendritic stains.
Kaolin 34 gm.
Feldspar 17 gm.
Flint 17 gm.
Bentonite 3.4 gm.
Zircopax 28.6 gm.
Use 125 ml water to 100 gm powders.
We fire at ^6-10 in oxidation. The slip is quite white. I have another
slip recipe that is a slightly grey white. I just slopped on the white then
touched a brush of the dendritic slip to it. It-the coloured- will run some
as you turn the piece however you wish. I have tried from a teensy brush up
to a wall paint size brush. I have tried clear glaze over but lost the
ferns and got worms.
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