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updated sun 26 feb 12


Rafael Velasquez D. on wed 15 sep 99

I have seen in ceramic video a tool for make lines over biscuit during
its decoration. I appreciate any information about how it work, its name
and other characteristics.

Patti Petit on fri 24 feb 12

Sorry if I missed the thread name. I am always looking to re-purpose items =
for my studio. Those cute little plastic sticks with a rounded tip on one e=
nd and a sort of plug with a tab on top (used to stop the mouthpiece on cof=
fee cups at Starbucks) are flexible and small for smoothing or tamping clay=
in tight spaces. Just thought.
Patti in cold windy NE GA

L BURCH on sat 25 feb 12

"Those cute little plastic sticks with a rounded tip on one end and a
sort of plug with a tab on top (used to stop the mouthpiece on coffee
cups at Starbucks) ...."
I for one love gift cards you find conveniently stores. You can make
all kinds of tools from them. I manage to pick up a couple from here or the=