C. A. Sanger on thu 16 sep 99
I've found chrome rods the easiest way to burnish. One downward
vertical stroke imediately shines with no marks. Had used an awkward
chip-dip gadget till I accidentally happened on a much better tool. Get
a pipe smoker's cleaning tool. It has a short rod, and a tiny spoon.
The spoon fits into grooves real well. I'm anal, though, and generally
burnish several times. I usually finish with a pad of soft dry cleaning
bag plastic stretched over my finger.
C. A. Sanger
ShardRock Clay Studio
Kansas, USA
goatnose on fri 17 sep 99
I've had great luck with a reshaped plastic
spoon. Fortunately I have a good pair of
airplane shears which is used to nip off the sides of a plastic spoon so
that its sides taper to about 5/8" at the end. Very
fine sandpaper removes burrs. I put my
index finger into the bowl and cranck away.
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