Bonita Cohn on wed 22 sep 99
Thanks everyone for the supportive replies. I did flame the director a piece
of my mind. Drama, trauma, need marijuana.....Since the show lost $5000, and
the director is a potter and teacher too, and owns nothing, there's no way
I'm getting a rebate for shipping. The director claims the exposure and
future magazine coverage will be worth the $200, and apologizes for the extra
weight. It was another case of using FED EX over UPS. I'm FED-UP! There were
a few emails back and forth and peace has erupted. Its a waste of energy to
put out any more angst, and I will consider it a learning experience (is it
ever OVER?-Ya. when its over.)
Yes, I'll be more careful where I send stuff.
Bonita in sunny San Francisco where a red hawk perched on the roof accross
the street from me here in the city, reminding me to keep things in
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