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any mid fire crater glazes?

updated fri 8 oct 99


joan carol urquhart on wed 6 oct 99

Does anyone know any tried and true crater glazes good for non
functional/sculptural work? I have a basic fish crawl which is great from
cone 6-8 but am looking for something with colour (glaze or slip...
-----Original Message-----
From: zahidi neale
Date: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: low fire crawl

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I use it at ^06 ox with success. Looks great over dark disaster glaze.
>Zee in Slidell, LA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Randall Moody
>Date: Monday, October 04, 1999 5:38 PM
>Subject: low fire crawl
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I have a recipe for Robert Sperry's crawl glaze but do not know what
>cone it is. If anyone else has this recipe could you give me a hand. Also I
>am in need of a low fire (04-1) crawl glaze or slip preferably white.

ababy sharon on thu 7 oct 99

Those days I try some of those glazes. The first one works good but too


Ball Crawl Cone 6 ( Cone 7 in sitter)
Magnesium Carbonate 50
Nepheline Syenite 50
Interesting lichen-like texture
====================From Don Goodrich. You can add any colorant.

The second ,for ^5 I worked at ^6
KOREN 22^5
SODA FELDSPAR....... 60.00 51.28%
QUARTZ.............. 10.00 8.55%
WHITING............. 10.00 8.55%
Lithium carbonate... 4.00 3.42%
TIN................. 7.00 5.98%
More delicate.
The third is combination of those two.
Koren 22Shino+ Ball Crawl
SODA FELDSPAR....... 30.00 25.64%
QUARTZ.............. 5.00 4.27%
WHITING............. 5.00 4.27%
LITHIUM CARBONATE... 29.50 25.21%
TIN................. 7.00 5.98%
I like this one more ,but I have one more test to do
Good luck Ababi

----- Original Message -----
From: joan carol urquhart
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 08:50
Subject: Re: any mid fire crater glazes?

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone know any tried and true crater glazes good for non
> functional/sculptural work? I have a basic fish crawl which is great from
> cone 6-8 but am looking for something with colour (glaze or slip...
> Joan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zahidi neale
> Date: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 12:45 PM
> Subject: Re: low fire crawl
> >----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> >I use it at ^06 ox with success. Looks great over dark disaster glaze.
> >Zee in Slidell, LA
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Randall Moody
> >Date: Monday, October 04, 1999 5:38 PM
> >Subject: low fire crawl
> >
> >
> >----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> > I have a recipe for Robert Sperry's crawl glaze but do not know what
> >cone it is. If anyone else has this recipe could you give me a hand. Also
> >am in need of a low fire (04-1) crawl glaze or slip preferably white.
> >Thanks!!
> >

Alex Solla on thu 7 oct 99

Let me know exactly what temperature range you are
dealing with and what colors you would like to work
with, I can send you some glaze ideas to play with.
When all else fails, try to remember that volatiles
are what cause craters. So, if you add things like
Silicon Carbide in coarse or fine grains you can get
different degrees of bubble formations. Other
materials, cryolite for one, can cause violent
eruptions, but BEWARE, cryolite is a very strong flux
and will run very quickly.

Good luck, and feel free to contact me off the list if
you want more specifics.

-Alex Solla

--- joan carol urquhart wrote:
> ----------------------------Original
> message----------------------------
> Does anyone know any tried and true crater glazes
> good for non
> functional/sculptural work? I have a basic fish
> crawl which is great from
> cone 6-8 but am looking for something with colour
> (glaze or slip...
> Joan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zahidi neale
> Date: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 12:45 PM
> Subject: Re: low fire crawl
> >----------------------------Original
> message----------------------------
> >I use it at ^06 ox with success. Looks great over
> dark disaster glaze.
> >Zee in Slidell, LA
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Randall Moody
> >Date: Monday, October 04, 1999 5:38 PM
> >Subject: low fire crawl
> >
> >
> >----------------------------Original
> message----------------------------
> > I have a recipe for Robert Sperry's crawl glaze
> but do not know what
> >cone it is. If anyone else has this recipe could
> you give me a hand. Also I
> >am in need of a low fire (04-1) crawl glaze or slip
> preferably white.
> >Thanks!!
> >


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