Emily & Kurt Kiewel on fri 15 oct 99
Had some requests for more info on the mold making project so here they are.
Also, thanks to all who have responded. I've forwarded responses to Danielle.
I can smell the onions already-Emily
>From: cdp0421@acs.tamu.edu
>X-Sender: cdp0421@acs.tamu.edu
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:38:00 -0500
>To: Emily & Kurt Kiewel
>Subject: Re: more details
>The mold will be used to make fake livers for a biomedical engineering
>research project at Vanderbilt University. We are currently using a mix of
>the following chemicals to make the livers, the eventual intent being that
>they are approximately the same "feel and density" as a real liver: visilox
>base, visilox catalyst, and a silicone dilutent. I can get copies of the
>MSDS sheets if it would be necessary. I am not sure what type of material
>we need the mold made of. We need to be able to cast multiple pieces in it.
>The mold itself needs to maintain its form (minimal chipping, etc). If
>possible, it would be nice to have the option to drill into the mold so that
>we can place surgical tubing or imaging-marker posts into the mold so that
>they will be imbedded in the final liver. If it is not possible to drill
>into the mold once it is made, we would need to design the mold with the
>holes already in it. Basically, I have two different types of livers I want
>to make, and if possible, I want to use one mold for both. One would have
>tubes running through it, and the other would have 5 long "posts" with
>threads for an imaging marker cap sticking out of the liver.
>I have more design ideas and specifications, and I would love to talk them
>over with anyone more knowledgeable in the area of mold-making. I would
>prefer to be able to work with someone withing 5 hours or so of College
>Station so that I can meet with them directly, but I am flexible.
>Danielle Pinson
>(409) 764-7842
> TTT TTT TTT Love your enemies
> TTT TTT TTT --it makes them so damn mad!
> A A TTT M M M M Danielle Pinson
> A AAA A TTT M M M sk8er@tamu.edu
> A A TTT M M 847-0902
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