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elaine levin and akio takamori at florida

updated mon 25 oct 99


Wynne Wilbur on sun 24 oct 99


Wasn't sure if my previous message got through so I thought I'd post

Noted ceramics historian Elaine Levin will be lecturing at the
University of Florida, Gainesville, on Monday, the 25th of October in
room FAB 103 (across from the University Gallery) at 5:10 pm. She will
be speaking on the topic: Post Modernism: Ancient Images, Contemporary

Ceramic Sculptor Akio Takamori, professor of art at the University of
Washington, will be giving a workshop in the ceramics department on
November 4th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with a slide lecture at 7:30, and
will finish his workshop on the 5th from 9:00 to noon.

Both presentations are free to the public and donations to help defray
the cost are gladly accepted.