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china workshops

updated tue 9 nov 99


Jean Lutz on thu 4 nov 99

Here are a couple of contact for past trips that I've collected from

Contact China Ceramic Cultural Exchange: International Office, Zhou Ying,
14 Courtwright Rd., Etobiocoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5L 4B4

West Virginia University/Ceramics In China contact Bob Anderson at:
304 293-2140 ext 3135

Jean Lutz
Scottsdale, AZ

Jean Lutz on sun 7 nov 99

I just received a note from a friend in China and she sent along the
business card for:
Jiansheng Li, Professor of Ceramic Art at Jingdezhen Ceramic College.
He takes artists to different kilns in China for study once a year.
Toronto Office, 14 Courtwright Rd., Etobicoke ON Canada M9C 4B4 Tel/Fax:
416 695 3607 email
China Office: Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jiangxi P R of China fax 86
798 8441837
Jean Lutz
Scottsdale, AZ

Dale A. Neese on mon 8 nov 99

I was fortunate to go on this particular China tour for potters last year.
"Jackson Lee" is conducting another trip next May. E-mail and ask for the
brochure and application form. If I may say it was the most fascinating trip
I have ever been a part of. If you are really serious and love, not like
Chinese food, e-mail me with your questions. .
Dale Tex