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canning jar glaze sprayers?

updated thu 11 nov 99


Jeff Campana on mon 8 nov 99

Dear All,

When I was in high school, we had this sprayer, it was blue and hooked up to a
normal air hose. It used those fruit canning jars grandma made pickles in back
in the day for a reservoir. Now i have started using small batches of glaze,
and caustic ash glazes which i don't want to handle with my poor hands. Anyone
know what company makes these? I have searched many clay and art suppliers, as
well as Home Depot and the like. If anyone has a supplier in mind that carries
them, it would be appreciated.


Jeff Campana

Christine Avery on wed 10 nov 99

I have a sprayer that sounds similar. it holds pint canning jars I found it
at Continental Clay Company 1-800-432-clay or 1101 Stinson Blvd NE,
Minneapolis Minn 55413

It is #118 Siphon Spray gun needs 30 - 40# of air pressure 1998 price is
55.55 and the snap connector needed is 6.50 hope this helps

Christine from Nodak where we were out in our shirtsleeves yesterday!

Responding To: Jeff Campana
Original Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:21:40 EST
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Dear All,
> When I was in high school, we had this sprayer, it was blue and hooked up
> to a
> normal air hose. It used those fruit canning jars grandma made pickles
> in back
> in the day for a reservoir. Now i have started using small batches of
> glaze,
> and caustic ash glazes which i don't want to handle with my poor hands.
> Anyone
> know what company makes these? I have searched many clay and art
> suppliers, as
> well as Home Depot and the like. If anyone has a supplier in mind that
> carries
> them, it would be appreciated.
> Jeff Campana