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2 extruder tips

updated wed 10 nov 99


elizabeth priddy on tue 9 nov 99

1-use the round inside piece no matter which
outside shape you want, it makes it sturdier
and easier to handle.

2-mount the cutting wire onto the wall next to
the bottom edge of the extruder and you will
be able to hold it with one hand and cut it
off using the wall as the needed third hand
for the other end of the wire.

good luck
Elizabeth Priddy

personal email:

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 16:52:42 Pottery by Dai wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi, Bob - I was intimidated by my extruder for quite a while, too. For
>hollow extrusions, I extrude a manageable length, cut it off any-which-way
>(this is a 2-person job, I've found---one to hold the extruded piece, one to
>cut with a wire---anybody know another way?), anyway, then I carefully lay
>it on my wedging table till it firms up somewhat. Then I put it in a miter
>box (I think that's what they're called---the 3-sided long box with the
>sawcuts in the sides) which has a piece of foam fitted into the bottom, then
>cut through the sawcuts on the sides right through the clay to the foam,
>and, voila! perfect 90 degree ends! The secret is in waiting till the clay
>has firmed up so it doesn't bend all out of round (or square, or octagon)
>when you cut it.
>Good luck!
>Dai in Kelowna, B.C., where we had our first, brief snowfall the other
>night---gone by morning.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bob Hanlin
>Date: Sunday, November 07, 1999 2:26 PM
>Subject: Extruder Question...
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Some time back I bought an extruder (North Star). To date I haven't pushed
>grain of clay through the thing. It's beautiful and others tell me it's a
>tool but one question haunts me.
>They say that there's no stupid questions but I feel like a cretin. I
>the soft clay and it doesn't compute with me that you can cut a square
>bottom or
>top. So, let me know how you do it. Particularly Joyce Lee, who is doing
>the things I've dreamed of doing but I like for things to stand up straight.
>It's important to me.
>Bob Hanlin, OKC

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