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results: re: how to make c5 glaze c6?

updated mon 29 nov 99


Dave Finkelnburg on sun 28 nov 99

I am looking at the test tiles now. Very nice clear! I fired the clear
glaze, guess I should have added colorants, because I didn't get any
blisters. #1 is my glaze, #5 yours. #2 is 75% mine, #3 is 50/50, and #4 is
75% yours. In this firing the tip of cone 6 was 1/4-inch off the shelf,
pretty close to 6 o'clock.
#1 is fluid and ran some, #2 and #3 did also, but progressively less.
#5 did not run at all. #1 shows white opalescence on the surface where the
glaze has pooled at the foot of the test tile, with bubbles in the surface.
#2 and #3 show some opalescence also, but progressively less. All five
tiles show bubbles beneath the surface, frozen in the glass, at 10X.
I will try this line blend again, but after adding coloring oxides.
Dave Finkelnburg
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Roy

This following recipe is a more balanced glaze - make up 500 grams of it
and 500 of the original and do a 5 part line blend and tell me what happens
- please.

Sieve 2 times through 80m.

After dipping in # 1(your original) and #5 (my revision) take equal amount
of #1 and #5 to make #3 (you will need twice as much of #3 cause you will
need to mix it with #1 to get #2 and again with #5 to get #4 - equal parts.
When you have dipped into #2 and #4 mix it all together to get #3. Fire to
cone 6 (use a large cone beside the tests)

My revision.

Gers Borate - 32.0
Custer - 28.0
Wolastonite - 5.0
Strontium Carb - 3.0
EPK - 11.0
Silica - 21.0
Bentonite - 1.0
Total - 101.0

There that feels better.

It would be even better if you would let me do this with some frit 3134 -
then it would be much better.


>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> The base glaze I am using, SG-5 in Chappell, is:
> Gerstley Borate 51
> Silica 31
> Kaolin 16 (I use EPK)
> Custer Feldspar 3
> Bentonite 1