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black ^6 reduction glaze

updated sat 11 dec 99


Margaret on thu 9 dec 99

I'm looking for a satin black which breaks to a red/rust for ^6 REDUCTION
kiln. Something like a Tenmoku ideally.


Marcia Selsor on fri 10 dec 99

Dear Margaret
This was as far as I got in writing our ^6 Reduction glazes for Clayart.
I am firing for the end of semester too and then I visit family and aged
Ohata Red/Black sounds like what you're looking for. Our sexy black can
also break rust/brown where thin but a satin surface when ample amount
on the pot. Doesn't run. The last glaze is a nice yellow matt which was
the last glaze I transferred from Hyperglaze. Still don't know how to
print them over to be able to mail them to everyone and I don't have
time to rewrite them.
Marci in Montana

^6 Reduction Glazes
Sexy Black
Whiting 11.75
F-4 Spar 54.5
EPK 6.5
Silica 25
Mang. Carb 2.5
Red Iron Ox. 10

Bone ash 14
Dolomite 8
Ger Bor 4
Lithium Carb 4
Custer Spar 52
Kaolin 6
Flint 12
Red Iron Ox 8

Paul's Yellow Matt
Frit 3124 45
Frit 3247 20
Dolomite 10
Zircopax 15
Whiting 3
Red Iron Ox 3

Margaret wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I'm looking for a satin black which breaks to a red/rust for ^6 REDUCTION
> kiln. Something like a Tenmoku ideally.
> Margaret

Marcia Selsor