Dick Williams on mon 20 dec 99
Dear Ren=E9,
I took the San Marcos workshop in January 1998 and had a blast.The triple
combination of the ancient city 0f Oaxaca, the friendly Zapotec Indian
potters of San Marcos and Eric's bubbling good nature and hospitality was
hard to beat.We also visited local potters near the ancient ruins of Monte
Alb=E1n and nearby craftmen outside of Oaxaca.
All my fears of Montazuma's revenge and banditos on the back mountain roads
were quickly put to rest under Eric's reassuring tutelage and I am a timid
octogenerian who hardly knows three words of Spanish.Just drink and brush
your teeth only with bottled water and stay away from uncooked fruits and
salads.The food was great and we slept in a very quiet hotel in Oaxaca with =
courtyard full of parrots and flowers and then in the tiny village of San
Marcos in a hostel with dormitory sleeping. I found out that digging the
clay out of the ground was pretty hard work but the younger members of the
group took pity on me and did most of the pick and shovel manipulation.
I would strongly recommend taking a few extra days to see the sights in old
Oaxaca and the ruins of Monte Alb=E1n and Mitla.
Have a great trip,
Dick Williams in Hurricane Alley, Wilmington, NC
For information email or fax:
Eric Mindling
FAX, Mexico(011-52) (95201-4186
Also take a look at http//www.foothill.net/=7Emindling for web page and more
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9?= Sprattling on wed 29 dec 99
------original Message-------
=3EHi all,
=3EMy husband, son , and I are going to the January San Marcos workshop =
=3Eby Eric Mindling. I am a long time potter and wwe are all looking forward
=3Eto this adventure. I would appreciate any feedback that any of you would =
=3Ewilling to give. Is there anything in particular that we should pack.
=3EThings to look out for? I am particularly interested in NOT getting sick
=3Efrom the water. Should we take clorination pills? ( Is that what they =
=3Ecalled?) What did you like and dislike, etc. You don't have to give a =
=3Eanswer. Any bit of information would be appreciated.
=3EThanks mucho,
=3ERen=E9 Sprattling
=3ENevada City, CA
Thanks all=21
Wish I had time to reply to each inividual e-mail that I received about the
San Marcos workshops. You all had such great advice and every one of you
seems to have had a terrific time=21=21 We are REALLY looking forward to the
trip now=21 And also to meeting Eric, whosounds like a great guy. Thanks =
the info about grapefruit seed extract, acidalphallis, etc. We will be
plenty prepared to relax and enjoy the experience.
I have decided to take a small empty trunk to have plenty of room for pots
on the way back=21 I will post a short message about our trip when we
return. Guess we will be seeing one of you there.
Thanks again. you are a great group pf mudders=21
Hasta lavista,
Ren=E9 Sprattling
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