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new year's firings - background info

updated thu 30 dec 99


Bonnie Staffel on wed 29 dec 99

Dec. 28, 1999

Dear Chris,

You might add Ed Gray to your list. He has a 8-10 foot diameter pit and
will start it at about 11:00 and end it on New Year's morning, covered
and await cooling the next day. His email is His
computer is frozen when trying to enter the Internet so asked me to send
this to you. Hopes to have it fixed today or tomorrow.

I will also be doing a pit firing at my daughter's house using a holey
trash can starting about 11 PM and it will be over about 1:00 AM and
opening about noon on Jan. 1. My family will be the only audience as we
do not want to be on the road that night and do not want to ask anyone
else to travel. We are supposed to have a lot of snow everyday
including Friday and it being a sunny day on Saturday. Go figure. We
live in the north country of Michigan. Ed lives in southwestern

Bonnie Staffel