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used kickwheel sought

updated sat 1 jan 00


Jonathan Pennington on thu 30 dec 99

I'm looking for a used kickwheel as a present for my wife. Many are
listed in the archive, any left? If not, I'm going to take the advice
of many on the list and buy her a Thomas Stuart so I need advice about
head size. The standard head (plate, spin thing... I'm not a potter)
is 12" but can be upgraded to 14" at time of purchase for
$40. Question, is it worth it to get the 14" head for her? She's a
amatuer potter who's made many of the small plates and coffee cups in our
kitchen, but says that "big" stuff is out of her league. She's a fast
learner though. Do you hobbiests think that you would want your spouse
to buy you the 12" or the 14"? I want to make sure that she gets what
she'd use best. Thanks.
Windows users awaken! The Matrix has you!
Jonathan Pennington | -Wannabe Geologist/Anthropologist
Charleston, SC | -Linux User and Advocate
Email at jwp(at) | 83 V45 Magna "The Lighter Side"
root@localhost (Spambot food) | 71 Triumph Twin "For Sale"

C. Rasko on fri 31 dec 99

Get your wife the 14" wheel head, it's only $40.00 more.

At one time I too was "an amateur potter who's made many of the small plates
and coffee cups in our kitchen, but says that 'big' stuff is out of her
league." Thank goodness my husband had the foresight to get the bigger wheel
even though I thought it would never be used to it's full potential. In a
very short time, I was in that "big league" much to my surprise and would
have been held back with a small wheel head. I still make small items, but
my large ones are not hard to do. I bet your wife will someday need larger,
so get it now. $40.00 now is cheaper now than in a few years when the only
remedy might be a whole new wheel.

By the way, I think it's grand that you're going to get her one. Not every
potter, amateur or professional, has the support of their spouse in their
creative endeavors. Thank you for supporting her.