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fwd: straw ash

updated wed 12 jan 00


Percy Toms on tue 11 jan 00

Hi Nancy in Arcadia

Cannot get through to you at your email address - check your email =
Here it is again -

Nancy wrote
=3EI'd drive to Chico to pick up a few bales of rice
=3Estraw....can you give me some info on someone who'd like to
=3Eget rid of some?

Nancy, check out the URL - it's worth bookmarking. Note, the concept of this
service is to keep useful stuff from ending up in landfill. Most but not =
listed items are for free if you pickup. Check before you go.

usual disclaimers

=3E California Materials Exchange Database
=3E California Integrated Waste Management Board
=3E =22Available=22 Construction Listings In North Central
=3E =
=3E RICE STRAW=A0(Available)=A0
=3E Small square - 3 twine (poly) approx. weight: 70 lbs. Big square- 4' x =
x 8' -
=3E poly twine, approx. weight: 1,400 lbs. Shipping across US and Canada.
=3E Jerry Uhland - Willows, Colusa, Yuba City, CA -
=3E Region: North Central=A0=A0=A0=A0Listing ID: 21565-2