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carpal tunnel sufferers

updated fri 21 jan 00


Judy Kanigel on thu 20 jan 00

Hi all,
Just wanted to commiserate with you fellow carpal tunnel sufferers.
I went to see a doctor who specializes in repetitive stress injuries(RSI)who
advocates for prevention rather than surgery, whenever possible. Everyone is
different, so don't say I told you to what I do for carpel tunnel syndrome.
He recommended doing the following for my particular problem:
-varying wedging, throwing, glazing, etc. as frequently
as possible during the day
-throwing with softer clay
-positioning my hands so that my wrists are relatively straight
while throwing
-stopping several times during the day to shaking my hands
vigorously in the air(particularly if they tingle or feel numb)
-sleeping in a straight splint which keeps my wrists from bending
-taking 100 milligrams of B complex vitamins daily
After about six months I can say, I am almost ouch and tingle free.
(Adding a glass of wine at the end of the day with a good friend can also
Judy, new to Boston and getting used to the cold