Eydie DeVincenzi on sun 6 feb 00
=3C=3CI have a favor to ask anyone who are familiar with marbling clay
to take a look at this URL and tell me what you call this technique of
layers of different colored clay. The wife of the potter whose works are
displayed in this URL gave me a permission to post this question to the
Clayart List Serve. Unfortunately the site is only in Japanese but you can
see numerous example of his technique. He calls it Neriage style in
Japanese. The patterns are not painted but ech colors are from colored
clay. http://www1.ocn.ne.jp/=7Ekonton/2pagegallery.htm
I tried logging onto to that website. I got no pictures. I am VERY
interested in this subject. I have been doing =5Bwhat I call=5D nerikome =
for 3
years and I have just had my work accepted in a local gallery. And since
my work is so unusual, the gallery has asked me to write an article about t
the process I use. Now I am concerned that I am using the proper
I would love to see some of these photoes and talk to you more about it.
Would I be imposing on you too much to ask you to print a few of them and
send them to me?
I am told that here in Washington, DC is a Japanese library that has
wonderful examples of these styles. My problem is that I don't speak or
recognize Japanese.
Eydie DeVincenzi
Jim Cullen on mon 7 feb 00
Do a search for Thomas Hoadley of Lanesborough, Mass. He calls it Colored
Porcelain. By any name it's beautiful. Beautiful to look at, to touch, to
lift. The man is a real talent.
Watch for him at ACC shows.
His shop is Kenwood Porcelain.
Naperville, Illinois
iandol on thu 10 feb 00
I have seen Robin Hopper throw multi-patterned pottery out of blocks of =
coloured clays. Would I be correct to say that this is also called Agate =
ware in
the British and European traditions. There is a book - Agateware. Pottery =
by Mireille De Reilhan published 1995 by Andre Deutsch ISBN0-233-98942-0. =
is a real treat for the slab builders and drapers. Lots of colour, lots of
pattern. Complex and fascinating.
Hope that is of some use to those who are interested.
Ivor Lewis
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