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updated tue 8 feb 00


mel jacobson on sun 6 feb 00

they are linked forever, cannot be broken.
how can you have one without the other.
have read and reread shaner piece in `studio potter`.
amazing and wonderful and sad. breaks my heart. (website)
from minnetonka, minnesota, u.s.a.

george koller on mon 7 feb 00

mel jacobson wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> they are linked forever, cannot be broken.
> how can you have one without the other.
> silliness.
> mel/mn


(They say the eskimos have 31 names for snow.....)

I have been thinking that perhaps pure art
is 100% technique and 0% process to build
a Product.

Software development (my other love) can approach
100% technique also - but to build a product
that is actually a Process.

Boggles my mind.



(This eskimo spent some 12 years writing "Statistical Process
Control"... software.)