Dennis E. Tobin on mon 7 feb 00
My name is Jenn Miller, I am a student of Dennis Tobin at Miami University.
He suggested I writer Clay art. Recently I had a slip /clay body
recipethat called for calcined alumina. I decided to take some alumina
hydrate and fire it in a bisque jar up to 04, like we do when we are
calcining kaolin. Something weird happened, at red heat smoke was pouring
out of the kiln, and when I opened the kiln the alumina was all over every
thing. I did not put a lid on the jar, should I have? It looked like it
exploded all over the place. It must have been airborne.
What happened?
Was this caused by the chemically combined water?
Could this be usable as calcined alumina?
The slip/ clay body recipe call for calcined alumina, could alumina hydrate
work in its place?
Sorry alot of questions, Thanks for the help in advance.
Jenn Miller
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