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how to fire earth?

updated thu 10 feb 00


=?iso-8859-1?q?ev=20doody?= on tue 8 feb 00

Hi, My knowledge on firing is limited as I'm not a
ceramics person but a sculptor. I want to fire earth
that has an amount of clay contained naturally in it.
And I want to do this in my back garden! Is this
possible? If I mix other materials in with the "mud",
such as sheep wool to aid structure, will it be
impossible to fire? Am I mad or is there anyone who
can give me some advice?
I'd appreciate a quick response!
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Cindy Strnad on wed 9 feb 00


No reason not to that I can see. If the piece is small, try it in your
bar-b-que grill. Otherwise, just build a brush fire over it. No telling how
it will come out, but then that's part of the fun, isn't it?