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acc baltimore feb 22-28

updated fri 18 feb 00


judy motzkin on mon 14 feb 00

I will be at the show in Baltimore next week, and would
love to see any of you who are in the area, please visit.
The wholesale portion of the show is tues, wed and
thursday. Retail is fri,sat and sunday.
If anyone wants a job as helper during retail or
breakdown (sunday 5pm), contact me. I will pay in trade
or money.
Getting old for doing it all alone...

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Susan Fox Hirschmann on tue 15 feb 00

I also will be doing ACC Baltimore and also invite any clay art people to
stop by and say HI! I will be doing the first 3 days, wholesale only.

susan fox hirschmann
annandale, va.

Eydie DeVincenzi on wed 16 feb 00

Is the show at the convention center downtown? Hours? Is there a entrance

Eydie DeVincenzi

Susan Fox Hirschmann on thu 17 feb 00

ACC BAltimore is at convention center downtown.

wholesale days are feb 22-24th---10-6pm ( you need tax no or other
identifying credentials to get in)
Retail days are 25, 26, 27....think only friday night goes til 9pm...
yes there is a fee, if you are are american craft council memeber and havae a
card, bring it, cause i think it lets you in FREE!

signing off clayart today for a week! bye friends.