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job posting, assistant potter

updated thu 24 feb 00


Scott Barnim on wed 23 feb 00

Scott Barnim Pottery
15 ark Street East,
Dundas, Ontario, L9H1C9
905 628 2507

I have a position available for a potter to work in my studio starting in
May 2000. I operate a small scale prodtion pottery from my home in Dundas,
about one hour west of Toronto. I produce a respected range of extensively
decorated reduction fired stoneware domestic ware, sold from my studio, the
one of a kind show, and through selected galleries. Dundas is a town of
about 20,000 in the outskirts of Hamilton, It has a thriving arts

The positon I have is for a thrower. This is the senoir position in the
studio, including every aspect of the process, glazing decorating, kiln
loading, firing and marketing. Applicants should be competant throwers, be
able to drive a standard transmission truck in highway and city conditions.
The position also includes studio mantainence so being comfortable with a
saw and a paint roller would be an advantage. All of this happens within
the confines of my household so the applicant should be comfortable with my
family poking thier heads in intermitantly.

In the past potters working with me in this position have generally stayed
three to five years, using this job as a training ground between Art
college and thier own studio. In each case the potter finished their
employment with me with their own studio set-up and their own business
earning income. This is not an apprenticeship. The position is paid an
hourly wage, with all applicable standard payroll deductions, paid holidays
etc. The person who has this job will however learn a great deal about how
to work in production, run a business make a living and incorporate all of
this into a life, But the learning happens co-incidently to the primary
roll of getting the work done.

Past applicant have generally been men in their early to mid 20's who have
some flexability in their working life. Their can often be extra hours
required in november/december.A canadian work permit would be rquired.

respond with a resume,sides and a coverletter. Telephone inquireies are
welcome, as for scott, 905 628 2507