Graeme Anderson on wed 23 feb 00
For replacing the wire in round loop tools, you can use the wire from a
hand-held egg whisk. It is soft enough to bend into any shape. You could =
your own tools of various shapes by glueing them in ballpoint pen cases. The
wire doesn't last as long as commercial wire, but what theck, one cheap =
will give you 40 or more replacements.
Other home-made tools I use are :- a stem from an electric jug element makes=
good cut-off needle that doesn't rust. Bits of welding rods can make
longlasting needles and picks. An old car radio aerial with a sponge =
makes a good extendable rod for tall vases.
Graeme Anderson. Gemopal Pottery. Lightning Ridge.Australia. 2834.
Cantello Studios on thu 24 feb 00
Just thought I'd add this note someone once told me that steel banding
make good tools. Another potter friend likes to make tools out of old
butter knives. This I've tried and found that you really need to get the
filed just right or it will chatter badly . Chris
-----Original Message-----
From: Ceramic Arts Discussion List [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.UKY.EDU]On Behalf
Of Graeme Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Make your own trimming tools.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
For replacing the wire in round loop tools, you can use the wire from a
hand-held egg whisk. It is soft enough to bend into any shape. You could
your own tools of various shapes by glueing them in ballpoint pen cases. The
wire doesn't last as long as commercial wire, but what theck, one cheap
will give you 40 or more replacements.
Other home-made tools I use are :- a stem from an electric jug element makes
good cut-off needle that doesn't rust. Bits of welding rods can make
longlasting needles and picks. An old car radio aerial with a sponge
makes a good extendable rod for tall vases.
Graeme Anderson. Gemopal Pottery. Lightning Ridge.Australia. 2834.
Valice Raffi on thu 24 feb 00
One of the prisons I teach in hasn't yet approved the use of "hot" (metal)
tools, so today we tried a large paper clip for a loop and it worked a
Valice in Sacramento
amazed at some of my brand-new students. After making one pinch pot & one
coiled pot each, insisted on trying to make a dog like they saw in the
newest issue of Pottery Making Illustrated. They are doing great!
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