Antoinette Badenhorst on mon 28 feb 00
Thank you for the help on finding Standard Ceramic dealers. I already made
work in finding the best one. This however raised the question in my mind on
how to work out a streamline system to get whatever I need, the cheapest way.
By that I mean the following: If a clay or raw material for instance, is
manufactured up North and shipped down South, there will be added costs to
this, due to the shipping. If that materials is shipped pass where I, or
anyone else live, it will mean that we will almost pay for a round trip
shipping. That will increase our costs unnecessary. If we can find the
network on which all materials is shipped, we can work out the best and
cheapest way to get what I need at our studios. Of course there will be some
dealers that will charge more % wise than others and that is everyone `s
privilege to do so if they wish.
Does anyone worked out something like this before. Does anyone know how the
network of getting what potters need, work? If not do you think that it is
possible to work something out? Maybe everyone can benefit from that.
Maybe we can think of something in the form of a map.
Hope you understand what I mean.
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