Lori Locklear on thu 2 mar 00
I am looking for a book called Water Color on Porcelain written by Arne Ase
of Norway. The book is out of print. I would like to know if anyone has a
spare copy or is willing to sell there copy?
Bob Wicks on fri 3 mar 00
I purchased that book called Water Color on Porcelain and returned it fore
the following reasons. The majority of all the ingredients were so toxic
that the US Postal service wouldn't even allow them to be sent by mail. This
is important as the Board of Directors may be there to observe what Raku is
all about. Hopefully they will have enough of their questions answered so
they can approve our Raku Center Project at their meeting.
Many of them were carcinogenic, In every case the chemicals were water
soluble which increased the risk of absorbing by contact. In asmuch as the
only way they could be used safety would involve a high quality dust mask rec
by OSHA, rubber gloves and a fume hood, I decided as an educator I would
never expose my students to such hazardous material let alone chance ending
my life along with them. In my educated findings using these ingredients
safely would surely inhibit my work style. Now there may be people out there
that may challenge this statement, but you do not have to take my word for
it. Just con\tacdt Mona Rossell and can give you a more accurate glimpse of
what this holds for you. Good luck and I hope you live a good long life.
Bob Wicks, Prof Emeritus Harrisburg Area community College
Susan Henderson Park on sat 4 mar 00
I recently obtained this book through interlibrary loan. However, I also saw
it for sale at Seattle Pottery within the past six months. Very interesting
- not a perfect translation into English. Most of the chemicals used are
very expensive and very toxic, if I am remembering correctly.
Susan in Seattle
Pamala Browne on sat 4 mar 00
Lori--- I have the ISBN # for it ---but it is not the U.S. one , I believe
it is the United Kingdom #
Norwegian University Press 1989 ISBN 82-00-06524-3
I was looking for it too ---- never found time to call Norwegian
Press though !!! Barnes and Noble was not able to order it for me.
This process is toxic---- I took major precautions throughout the
process -- including throwing away anything the brushes touched while using.
I do not know about toxicity once it comes out of the final firing--
under the impression that it is fine to touch -- would never put food or
drink in it though. Good Luck pamalab
----- Original Message -----
From: Lori Locklear
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 10:35 AM
Subject: Book called Water Color on Porcelain
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi,
> I am looking for a book called Water Color on Porcelain written by Arne
> of Norway. The book is out of print. I would like to know if anyone has
> spare copy or is willing to sell there copy?
> Thanks,
> Lori
> lalocklear@aol.com
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