Talbott on fri 3 mar 00
Comments wanted on Thomas Stuart Electric Wheels...
Thanks... Marshall
Talk Forums:
Ronald Wright on sun 5 mar 00
I bought my Thomas Stuart electric wheel a little over a year ago and I
love it. It's built like a tank. The owner of the company even emailed
me to see how I liked it. Now that doesn't happen very often.
I really like the design. It's very easy to clean up (although I did
drill a hole in the bottom for a drain) . This is a very serious wheel
that I would recommend to anyone.
Ron Wright
3 Dogs Pottery - Chicago
Marian Morris on mon 6 mar 00
Amen to that. Actually, mine was a kick-wheel which I used in an outdoor
studio on Guam. The worst of possible conditions. It performed like a champ.
I had to leave it there when we returned stateside, though. It was TOO
On Sun, 5 Mar 2000 10:57:49 EST, Ceramic Arts Discussion List wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I bought my Thomas Stuart electric wheel a little over a year ago and I
> love it. It's built like a tank. The owner of the company even emailed
> me to see how I liked it. Now that doesn't happen very often.
> I really like the design. It's very easy to clean up (although I did
> drill a hole in the bottom for a drain) . This is a very serious wheel
> that I would recommend to anyone.
> Ron Wright
> 3 Dogs Pottery - Chicago
> http://www.concentric.net/~rwright
> http://www.thomasstuart.com/
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