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slides & photos on cd

updated thu 9 mar 00


Karen Elkins on mon 6 mar 00

I've just found that the place I get all my photo processing done has this
new facility to put the photos straight onto a CD, #7 per 36 exposure, and
they can put up to 6 rolls of film onto a disk if done at the same time. I
live in Nottingham, UK and the firm is Jessops.

I've been able to use the images from my photos to create my promotional
material, letterhead, business card etc, without having to buy & learn to
use a scanner. Even better is the CD contains these images about 6 times,
each a smaller size image scan, so I can select which quality & size to send
to friends via E-mail without clogging up their computer!

Well worth the additional cost, and it gave me a head start on my promotion
material without more candle-lit manual reading.
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chris cox on wed 8 mar 00

In message <>, Karen Elkins
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I've just found that the place I get all my photo processing done has this
>new facility to put the photos straight onto a CD, #7 per 36 exposure, and
>they can put up to 6 rolls of film onto a disk if done at the same time. I
>live in Nottingham, UK and the firm is Jessops.
Hi Karen
Most branches of Boots also offer this facility - I'm not sure
of the price comparison though. Are any of your images of pots with
unusual lids? My call for entries on Clayart for the Potfest Competition
"Top That" has yielded one entry so far, from Washington USA. Surely
there must be some potters out there still making pots...maybe they're
just to busy writing emails all day.
Chris Cox

Details of the Competition
chris & geoff cox