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ash glaze gurus?

updated fri 10 mar 00


Jeff Campana on thu 9 mar 00

Sorry to keep asking all these questions, but i have a glaze which i really
like, one of those runny stringing ash glazes. In the sunlight, this glaze
shimmers and glitters a lot. I was wondering if any of you glaze tech masters
out there know what causes it.

I just got all ingredients analyzed, and here is the exact Unity formula:

A little complicated, you know how ash is....

0.086 K2O 0.091 Al2O3 0.539 SiO2
0.008 Na2O 0.018 Fe2O3 0.005 TiO2
0.790 CaO 0.018 P2O5 0.006 MnO2
0.114 MgO 0.015 F
0.002 BaO 5.9:1 Si:Al Ratio
0.001 SrO

30.49 % SiO2
8.74 % Al2O3
7.63 % K2O
0.47 % Na2O
41.72 % CaO
4.33 % MgO
0.29 % BaO
0.10 % SrO
2.71 % Fe2O3
2.40 % P2O5
0.38 % TiO2
0.49 % MnO2
0.27 % F
It seems like the glittering is caused by little pits on the surface, but my
eyes are bad , so I am not entirely sure.

Thanks in advance for any input.
