John Christensen on sat 11 mar 00
Hello Clayarters!
I just acuired a Lockerbie Model K Kick wheel. The wheel is 30 some
odd years old and is, of course, in perfect working condition. While
contemplating moving the wheel out from their basement (up a flight of
stairs) to my house into my basement (down a flight of stairs) I figured the
best thing to do was to take all the parts off that would come off. If
anyone has a lockerbie they know that the splashguard can be removed, the
sheet metal used to store tools, etc. can be removed, and I believe the
kickwheel itself can be removed.
I had already removed the bolts holding on the bat when it was
pointed out to me that it was already perfectly aligned and I probably
shouldn't mess with it. It was a good point so I retightened the bolts and
got it moved with a lot of grunting and cursing today.
Long story short... I got on the wheel today and I couldn't get
even 2 or 3 pounds of clay centered... Granted I have little experience
with kickwheels but it was the worst throwing experience I've ever had.
Could the bat be slanted? If so what can I do to fix it? Will a leveler
work to figure out the slant?
Thanks so much for your feedback.
- John Christensen
(Raku Boy)
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