Barbara Brown on fri 17 mar 00
Dear International Clayarters,
If you are coming to coming to NCECA, bring your slides and plan on
participating in the International Slide Forum. You are given 20
minutes to show your slides and talk about your ceramic work or the
ceramics of your country. The forum is held Thurs and Friday from 10 to
4. The signup is Wed. 8:30-4. There will a signup table in the area
near conference registration. I will be there to sign you up.
Thomas Orr is the new International Slide Forum coordinator and will be
in charge of this wonderful program.
Hope to see you there Wed.
Barbara Brown phone/fax 408-736-3889
1225 Manzano Way,Sunnyvale,Ca. 94089
Barbara Brown on mon 19 feb 01
The coordinator of International Slide Forum is Thomas Orr. This forum
is a chance for international NCECA members to give a 20 minute slide
presentation of their ceramic work or the ceramic work of their country.
The slide forum is held Thursday and Friday 10-4. The signup is Wed
8:30-4. I will be working the signup table Wed and look forward to
meeting all of you.
All clayarters: I encourage all of you to come and see the slides and
meet these wonderful international ceramic artists. This is a wonderful
way to promote international friendship.
Barbara Brown phone/fax 408-736-3889
1225 Manzano Way,Sunnyvale,Ca. 94089
Barbara Brown on fri 1 mar 02
Dear International Clayarters,
If you are coming to NCECA, You're invited to participate in the
International Slide Forum.
Each International member is invited to give a 20 minute slide/talk
about their work, their workplace and their home country.
Thomas Orr is the International Slide Forum coordinator and I help on
Wed by working the sign up table so I will look forward to meeting all
of you.
Important information:
sign up Wed 8:30-4
the sign up table is usually near the registration area. The earlier
you sign up the better chance of getting the time you want.
Slide/Talk Thurs and Fri 10-4
each member has 20 minutes to give talk/show slides but should come 15
minutes early to load slide tray
Barbara Brown phone/fax 408-736-3889
1225 Manzano Way,Sunnyvale,Ca. 94089
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