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re attempt at photography

updated tue 21 mar 00


Tom Wirt/Betsy Price on mon 20 mar 00

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> In my opinion, it is a real mistake to put pots in the freezer, or use
> dulling spray in order to eliminate hot spots. It kills the work. A
> many people out there who think they are taking professional-quality
> are actually creating images which completely lack any life or energy.
> work has been drained of its soul and spirit. are absolutely right about dulling spray. I've watched the
number of recommendations to use this will produce lousy slides
no matter what. It kills the detail of the pot. If one doesn't have the
time, money or skill to build a proper lighting tent, then by all means pay
the $35 - $50 per slide to have a decent quality pro shoot your slide. Your
living depends on those slides, and if you've never gone to a jurying, you
should ferret one out that you can attend. Anyone near Minneapolis in April
should get to the Uptown Art Fair jurying. You will, I guarantee, be
appalled at the low level of quality of slides....mostly shot by the

Sorry for the diatribe, but this mentality of "I can do it as well as the
pros" doesn't work for most as far as shooting jurying slides. While I can
shoot reasonably good documentation slides, I would never even consider
shooting my own jury slides...even though I once thought I could.

Tom Wirt