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feldspars...can someone help??

updated sat 25 mar 00


aaron tester on thu 23 mar 00

I have been interested in making an ash glaze ^10 reduction. Well, the
recepie that i was following is as follows:
33% mixed wood ash
33% Feldspar (Kingman)
33% Tenn. Ball Clay #1
01% Magnesium Carbonate

I understand that there are some differences in feldspars, the only
feldspar I had available was Custer (which appears higher in silica content
and a little lower in alumina content than Kingman). Would this
substitution produce results similar to what is expected in the book? (I
went ahead and made the glaze with custer anyway, the firing happened
yesterday and we are unloading tomorrow), i guess i'll know soon enough.

Aaron Tester
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Sharon31 on fri 24 mar 00

Hello Aaron!
As it is the first time you use it,the results, will be yours, and may be
better than the original glaze.
Second, this is a very good example of what you can do with glaze software-
changing a recipe so you can use it with what you have rather than look all
over for a "new" material!

----- Original Message -----
From: aaron tester
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 01:14
Subject: Feldspars...can someone help??

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I have been interested in making an ash glaze ^10 reduction. Well,
> recepie that i was following is as follows:
> 33% mixed wood ash
> 33% Feldspar (Kingman)
> 33% Tenn. Ball Clay #1
> 01% Magnesium Carbonate
> I understand that there are some differences in feldspars, the only
> feldspar I had available was Custer (which appears higher in silica
> and a little lower in alumina content than Kingman). Would this
> substitution produce results similar to what is expected in the book? (I
> went ahead and made the glaze with custer anyway, the firing happened
> yesterday and we are unloading tomorrow), i guess i'll know soon enough.
> Aaron Tester
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