centa on sat 25 mar 00
I am experimenting with large platter hump molds and was wondering how
dry does the plaster have to be to be effective enough for the clay to
set up? (I'm hoping not to lose this first attempt to wet mold
syndrome). Is there anything I can do other than can this slab and wait
for the mold to dry like a patient person?
john tygart on wed 29 mar 00
Centa, here my shot at your question..
To speed dry molds with out harming them comercial manufacters have a room
thay keep at a tempiture of 102 degries and have a dehumidfier going at the
same time. When Iam drying molds Ihave them in my wash room with the
dehumidifer the heat from the dehumidifer keeps the room at a temp at about
95 degries. You might try puting your mold in a closit with a dehumidifer.
Hope this helps.
John Tygart
On Sat, 25 Mar 2000 23:30:14 EST, centa@wenet.net wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi,
> I am experimenting with large platter hump molds and was wondering how
> dry does the plaster have to be to be effective enough for the clay to
> set up? (I'm hoping not to lose this first attempt to wet mold
> syndrome). Is there anything I can do other than can this slab and wait
> for the mold to dry like a patient person?
> Thanks,
> Centa
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