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nceca nono!san diego soho!

updated fri 31 mar 00


Stephani Stephenson on thu 30 mar 00

OK I admit, I was feeling LEFT OUT and kind of down about missing NCECA
this year! I Just had TOO much work to do, and some visitors from
Montana. But tonight I feel GGGGGRRRREAATTT. you know, that great
great CLAY FEELING GREAT. just pulled out two kiln loads of work. NEW
work, NEW glazes, ANGST , ANGST, angst..... but YIPPEE, the kiln
deiities SMILED upon me! It's all beautiful! yeeee HAWWWWW! so happy
that I just wanted to tell the whole world and , well, I JUST DID!
And , because of a near and dear CLAYART friend with a new digital
camera, I may actually TAKE Pictures and SOMEDAY SOON, get them on the
worldwide web. ASTOUNDING!
So I'm packing it up for the fair this weekend. Any other Clayarters
doing the SOHO (Save Our Heritage Organization) "Arts and Crafts
Weekend" ?( Silvergate Masonic Temple, 3795 Utah Street, North Park, San
Diego. I'll be at the Alchemie Studio booth, number 10. OK mel, is this
shameless self PROMOTION or WHAT!! WITH A BEEEG SMILE, Stephani, the
mudmistress of Leucadia.